Types of Sentences Class 5 - English Grammar kkgoenka

Types of Sentences 

By Aashish Gupta Sir

                Class   5             


The sentence is generally defined as a word or a group of words that expresses a thought/idea by giving a statement/order, or asking a question, or exclaiming.

Types of Sentences
There are 4 types of sentences -

Assertive Sentences 

The sentence which declares or asserts a statement, feeling, opinion, incident, event, history, or anything is called an assertive sentence. An assertive sentence ends with a period (.). Assertive sentences can be either affirmative or negative.
He is a good boy. 
Ram is an intelligent student.

Interrogative Sentence

An interrogative sentence is one that asks a direct question. It always ends in a question mark (?) .
How old are you ? 
What is your name ? 

Imperative Sentence 

Imperative sentences are used to issue a command or instruction, make a request, or offer advice. Basically, they tell people what to do. 
Do your homework daily. 
You should brush your teeth daily. 

Exclamatory Sentence

An exclamatory sentence makes a statement that conveys strong emotion or excitement. It always ends with a exclamation mark (!).
Wow! What a beautiful scene. 
Alas! What a work.

Ques. A. Below are given some sentences. Write against them their types.
State whether a given sentences is Assertive/ Interrogative / Imperative / Exclamatory.
 Sentences                          Types 

1.  We should always respect elders.             

2.    Wow! They have won the match.   

3.  No , I will not come today.                   

4. Will you inform me by Monday ?         

5.  Yes, he is my uncle.       

6.  Please open the door.  

7.  Has he taken his meal ? 

8.  India is a vast country.

9.  How beautiful this lake is ! 

10. I am ready to work.                            

Ques. B.  Write two sentences of each type - Assertive, Interrogative, Imperative and Exclamatory of your own.
Do not copy from above.

1. Assertive

2. Interrogative

3. Imperative

4. Exclamatory 

शीघ्र ही इसे और इंप्रूव किया जाएगा। अन्य question एवं example भी जोड़े जाएंगे।अतः इसे देखते रहे।

कृपया कमेंट अवश्य करें। आपके कमेंट हमें इस ब्लॉग को ओर बेहतर बनाने में मदद करेंगे।

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